The narration restarts, transformed

Et Cetera

These are busy times, and the backlog of things worth talking about, linking about, ranting about, is starting to get unmanageable. Today has been strange so far. A 5‑hour sleep then waking up in a middle world — half still in the glistering twilight of sleep, half in the floating wreckage of wake. And, after breakfast, the jetlagged, sleepwalking haze got intermixed with anxiety and tachycardia. I have an assignment to finish, the sooner the better, and all day I felt delayed. Delayed inside. Dragging my brain like a load on my back.

In a burst of activity, like a flickering ember describing an unforeseen trajectory, I had an idea: reviving a frozen project, my interactive webfiction. Since it was just at the beginning, I’m trying an experiment: restarting the narration using a different format and medium, to see if it might work better that way, to see where it can bring the whole project. That’s why I created a Twitter account for it.

Follow, if you’re interested, and feel free to interact if you like. As usual, there’s no haste involved, and no expiration dates. Let’s see if Twitter’s tempo helps things move on.

The Author

Writer. Translator. Mac consultant. Enthusiast photographer. • If you like what I write, please consider supporting my writing by purchasing my short stories, Minigrooves or by making a donation. Thank you!