iOS 7 on the iPhone 4
After reading mixed reports and reactions, I wasn't sure about updating. But I did it eventually. Here are a few initial impressions.
After reading mixed reports and reactions, I wasn't sure about updating. But I did it eventually. Here are a few initial impressions.
Un keynote molto interessante e ricco di novità. Ho deciso pertanto di dividere le mie osservazioni in due articoli distinti. In questo parlerò del software, nel prossimo mi concentrerò sull'hardware.
It was a great keynote, packed with new stuff. So I've decided I'll split my observations in two different articles. This one focuses on the software, the next one will focus on the hardware.
I really like the new VSCO Cam, but I noticed a bit of a strange behaviour with its Temperature tool.
Considering how I use my iOS device, I'm actually satisfied with iOS overall. The improvements I'd like to see in iOS 7 are very few, and have nothing to do with the UI.