Apple Music ought to be better than this
This isn't demanding impossible standards, but simply a working integration between services and software all coming from the same company.
This isn't demanding impossible standards, but simply a working integration between services and software all coming from the same company.
Maciej Cegłowski, in Web Design: The First 100 Years: A further symptom of our exponential hangover is bloat. As soon as a system shows signs of performance, developers will add enough abstraction to make it borderline unusable. Software forever remains at the limits of what people will put up with. Developers and designers together create overweight systems in hopes that the hardware will catch up in time and cover their mistakes. We complained for years […]
Nick Heer writes: Interestingly, because of the way AdBlock is built and the number of iframes that are on popular websites, AdBlock often slows down browsers, though Filloux found otherwise. Apple’s new integrated content blocker doesn’t have this issue. But that’s something of an aside. I have installed AdBlock in Safari on my MacBook Pro and in TenFourFox on all my G4 PowerBooks and on my G4 Cube. In Safari I use AdBlock only on specific, […]
You used to be more positive and supportive of Apple and its products. What happened to you? — a reader writes me. The question is more What happened to Apple?
I've always had a soft spot for photo apps on iOS. Lately I'm using a few of them whose common denominator is a generally well-designed UI.