RSS readers and Mac OS X 10.4
There are many Mac users who have slightly older machines that aren't obsolete yet and can still perform a lot of other duties. What are their options regarding RSS feed management under Mac OS X Tiger?
There are many Mac users who have slightly older machines that aren't obsolete yet and can still perform a lot of other duties. What are their options regarding RSS feed management under Mac OS X Tiger?
In my previous article I was mourning the loss of Twitterrific as Twitter client for Mac OS X 10.4. Due to Twitter’s shift to the OAuth authentication system, the guys at the Iconfactory confirmed that they had to drop Mac OS X 10.4 support for Twitterrific (they replied to me on Twitter: Twitter’s Oauth libraries require 10.5 or later to function unfortunately. You’ll need to update the OS or use the web). So I wrote: OAuth […]
The new Twitter's OAuth protocol means no more third party GUI-based Twitter clients for Mac OS X 10.4, it seems.
An interesting 'self-improvement' in iPhone performance.
A side-by-side comparison between the two mobile browsers.