Perhaps not many people have had two Apple IDs each tied to a different country’s App Store / iTunes Store. I have, for various reasons. On my iPhone, the majority of the apps installed were purchased from my main Apple ID (ending in, tied to the Spanish App Store; but I also have another Apple ID tied to the Italian App Store.
iOS has always handled this ‘double identity’ in an atrocious, counter-intuitive way. Suppose you have App 1 and App 2 purchased from the Spanish App Store, and App 3 purchased from the Italian App Store. One day, updates to App 1, App 2 and App 3 become available. The ‘App Store’ app shows all three updates. You tap on the ‘Update all’ button.
Up to now, what used to happen was this:
- iOS asked for your first Apple ID’s password.
- App 1 and App 2 started downloading and then got installed.
- The update for the App 3 remained there, forcing you to open the App Store app again and tap to ‘Update’ again.
- iOS asked for your second Apple ID’s password.
- Instead of starting the download of App 3, iOS displayed a warning like This account is only valid for purchases in the Italian iTunes Store (I’m quoting from memory).
- You tapped OK. Then the iTunes app would open.
- You quit the iTunes app and noticed App 3 download was in progress and that App 3 was finally installing.
I honestly can’t tell whether this change happened in iOS 5, 5.0.1 or 5.1 but now, finally, iOS handles all this process in the logical way: when you have mixed updates pending from two different Apple IDs / App Stores, you are asked both passwords and all the apps are downloaded and installed in a single pass.