My probably outrageous iPad prediction for 2012
It did come in a dream, after all...
It did come in a dream, after all...
In his recent article Latest Version, Matt Gemmell explains why it's best for iOS developers to support only the latest version(s) of the operating system, and I tend to agree with him. On the customer's side, however, unexpected and unpleasant things may happen, which may compromise the experience of those left behind.
Siri is just a machine, but it's amazing how quick people can be in giving it a 'conscience' and reading more into it than they reasonably should. Great piece by Adam Engst.
Bret Victor's Rant on the Future of Interaction Design may have been brisk more than brief, making some people uncomfortable in the process. But you know what? That's the whole point.
Ancora una volta, mio padre si rivela un sorprendente interlocutore.