Twitterrific 4.3


When yesterday I launched Twitterrific on my Mac, the application greeted me with an update notification. I updated right away because in the list of new features my eye immediately caught this:

• Improved and Twitter picture handling

And as soon as I relaunched Twitterrific, I found out that this improvement does exactly what expected.

As you know, if someone you follow posts an image in a tweet using the canonical Twitter app for Mac, the image link will be wrapped and obscured in a link. As I complained a while ago, with Twitter’s own service all links are created equal, and you can’t know at a glance if they’ll point to an image or an article on another site. It’s unnerving because most Twitter clients can display images inline, and I hate when clicking a link forces me to open a new tab in the browser only to discover that it was a twitpic or yfrog link that the client could have handled internally. With the 4.3 update, Twitterrific recognises whether a links hides an image and if it’s the case, it will display said image inline. I am deeply grateful to the Iconfactory guys for this.

Which isn’t even the best feature of this update! From the Iconfactory blog:

Version 4.3’s best feature is the ability to sync your reading position across all versions of Twitterrific by using the Tweet Marker API. Twitterrific keeps track of where you are in the timeline and displays that position as a bookmark on the tweet’s timestamp. Twitterrific can also automatically scroll to this position – no more searching for where you last left off. This makes reading your timeline a breeze when moving between Mac and iOS during the course of a day. Turn on timeline syncing via Twitterrific’s settings.

Some of the notable highlights in Twitterrific 4.3 include:

  • - Syncing of timeline positions across all versions via Tweet Marker
  • - Improved and Twitter picture handling
  • - Support for displaying Camera+ images inline
  • - Support for normal tweet notifications with Growl (Mac)
  • - Refinements to full screen mode & scrolling in Lion (Mac)
  • - Improved handling of errors associated with incorrect time & time zones
  • - Plus more – iOS / Mac

The Author

Writer. Translator. Mac consultant. Enthusiast photographer. • If you like what I write, please consider supporting my writing by purchasing my short stories, Minigrooves or by making a donation. Thank you!